Science of Pranayama- Kumbhaka Paddhati of Raghuvira
Edited By: Dr. M.L. Gharote, Parimal Devnath
Foreword By: B.K.S. Lyengar
Kumbhaka Paddhati is the only text which deals exhaustively the topic of pranayama. It is extensively quoted by Sunderadeva, another Writer on hatha-yoga his Hatha-sanketa-candrika -and Hatha-tatva-kaumudi. The text describes more than 50 kumbhakas, many of which are not commonly known. Despite the description of various kumbhakas, the author is loud in praise for meru-kumbhaka of Which he describes 47 stages. These include all levels of spiritial development. These stages are a continuum of experiences the yogi passes through as a result of continious practice of kumbhakas. These are not found described in any available texts. Therefore, it is the unique feature of Kumbhaka Paddhati.
Science of Pranayama- Kumbhaka Paddhati of Raghuvira
Edited By: Dr. M.L. Gharote, Parimal Devnath
Foreword By: B.K.S. Lyengar
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