Dr. Daya Mullins is Ph.D., M.S.C., President and founder of WEG DER MITTE Foundation and ECYT
Non-Profit Foundation for Holistic Medicine, Health Education and Social Services – the first healing center in Berlin since 1977 – with the purpose of expanding the foundation’s work in the fields of Yoga and therapy. ECYT, the European College for Yoga and Therapy was founded in Germany under the roof of this organization.
ECYT is committed to the highest quality in education and deeply connected to authentic Yoga. Since many years ECYT has been cooperating with Dr. Manohar L. Gharote, the outstanding and world famous scholar in the field of Yoga and Yoga therapy. After his demise in 2005, this co-operation with The Lonavla Yoga Institute is being successfully continued and intensified under the leadership of his son,
Dr. Manmath M. Gharote. He, like his revered father, serves on the Board of Advisors of ECYT thus continuing to support authentic Yoga and Yoga therapy in the West.
Studying at ECYT is an effective means for personal development, health and professional competence. In short and long term study programs ECYT is offering you an inter-traditional and integrative Yoga-curriculum, that combines the wisdom of Eastern and Western traditions with academic studies, psychology, medicine/natural healing sciences and meditation. It offers you an enlivening experience and a deep growth process in a creative atmosphere.
WEG DER MITTE’s many years of experience in the fields of natural healing methods, Yoga, Ayurveda, psychology and meditation, largely contribute to the high standard of the ECYT study programs and trainings. This Institution has developed specific teaching methods to provide the highest possible quality and holistic integration.
The programs fulfill the personal and professional standards for adult education and offer a frame for exploration and integration of the teaching material as well as the personal development processes. They provide a methodological and didactic framework progressively enabling the students to support and teach others in well-founded ways.
High quality study programs: Yoga teacher educations, seminars, lectures, workshops, retreats, and summer schools as well as conferences and publications
Interdisciplinary study i.e. of Yoga, Ayurveda and natural healing methods
Promotion of the therapeutic application of Yoga, training of Yoga therapist
Research in the field of Yoga, therapy and natural healing sciences
International co-operation and professional exchange with experts, institutes, organizations and universities in the areas of Yoga, comparative religion/ philosophy, psychology, education, medicine/natural healing sciences and health.
Kloster Gerode,
D-37345 Gerode, Germany
Website: www.wegdermitte.de
Email: klostergerode@wegdermitte.de