At the present time we propose to take up two more yogopanisads. These are Hamsopanisad and Advayatarakopanisad.

Yogopanisads are treasure-trove of knowledge, information, criticality, philosophilaisation, rare insight and wisdom. They also provide valuable techniques for yogasadhana aimed at higher objectives, mainly on spiritual
elevation. Each of the Yogopanisads particularly elaborates at least one sometimes more techniques of yoga. Such an elaboration is hardly to be seen in any mother literature of yoga. Since these texts belong to the class of Upanisads, and since Upanisads works mainly on the wisdom of 'oneness' among apparent diversity and plurality, they make use of yogic method, techniques and methodology to attain the 'unity' or advaita state. This forms a highly special contribution of this group of texts. These texts promote the idea of synthesis and balance that can be an ideal for a genuine practitioner.


A. In the text of Hamsopanisad a good lot of emphasis has been given on the following issues:

  1. Hamsavidya explained, a special technique for meditation which uses breath as a medium,
  2. Paramahamsavidya also elaborated upon, a higher practice of meditation with an objective to reach out to Consciousness,
  3. Through hamsavidya, perception of fourth state of Self at the heart,
  4. Technique of japa of ha/sa without actually doing the japa, it is an involuntary method of meditation which does not involve any method of doing,
  5. Meditation on hamsa at heart, a more intense and one-pointed practice of the above said practice,
  6. Hamsajapa leading to revelation of nada of ten types, this is an active practice of japa,
  7. Attainment of laya (absorption) of mind through nada, this is a result of the above said practice,
  8. Manolaya (absorption of mind) leading to Siva-hood,


B. Advayatarakopanisad deals mainly in taraka-vidya - wisdom which can take one across the tumults of the worldly sufferings.

Two varieties of taraka explained.

  1. Three laksyas elaborated upon which are helpful in meditation. These are internal, external and intermediary visions created for intense practice of meditation,
  2. Nature of sambhavimudra and its practice. In this practice one is supposed to look within while staring outside,
  3. An accomplished master for spiritual guidance.


It is expected that such a work will serve on the following areas:

  1. Readers will get deep inspiration from such original work. New information on distinct practices with ample elaboration will make the work quite interesting to the serious seekers.
  2. New ideas can be developed to augment one's inward journey through practice of higher disciplines of Yoga.
  3. Inner health, integrity, a balanced state of mind and equanimity of personality will contribute too healthy and harmonious living.
  4. Such work will also promote the process of preservation of rare literature on yoga.
  5. Authentic knowledge will spread gradually helping dispelling darkness of ignorance.
